Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Super Marrio Odyssey review

My review of Super Mario Odyssey for the Nintendo Switch. For gameplay footage click here -

Part 1 Pro - 0:18 to 8:40

Beautiful graphics (even when undocked at 720p. Runs at a good 60fps both dock & undocked)

Solid controls (didn’t have a huge issues with the motion controls. They don’t feel like they are force on unlike Star Fox Zero were)

Love the capture/posses system in the game

Can easily get lost in the game (in a good way)

Part 2 Cons - 8:46 to 16:05

The 2-D part (including the 8-bit part) are fun but would have like to uses the control pad instead of the control stick for that part

Motion control are fine but would have like to see some of these commands map to a button

Not a big fan of the 2 player mode

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